
Welcome to Year 6! We will be exploring a wide range of interesting learning activities that will enhance your children’s academic and social development. This is a very exciting, important and sensitive time for our students as it is their final year in primary school! In a few months, we are expecting our children to be sitting their SATs, hoping to go to have a year 6 end of year experience and finally closing the curtains with their annual school play.

Ruby Class

Class Teacher: Mrs Lyn

Teaching Assistant: Miss Thomas, Miss Mohamud and Miss Akeredolu


Important information


Ruby - Monday (AM)  and Thursday (PM)

On PE days, the children should come to school in their school PE kit - dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and trainers, to be worn with their school jumper. 

At Jubilee Primary we are championing the importance of reading. With your continuous support, we are looking forward to getting our children to develop a love of reading. Reading records will be checked and online Bug Club progress will be monitored. We will also be setting weekly mathematics and spelling homework on Friday’s through Google Classroom


Our IPC topics for this year are: 

  • What a Wonderful World;
  • Out of Africa;
  • Time Travellers; 
  • They See The World Like This; and 
  • Champions of Change. 

Our aim is to bring these topics alive through the three main art forms: art, drama and music. 


We will be reading and exploring different stories such as short novels and picture stories where children will learn how to develop their writing and analytical skills. Children will develop their writing through the different writing styles such as first person narrative, non-chronological reports, persuasive letters and comprehension-based tasks. 


In Science, children will be exploring a variety of topics, such as Rocks and Soils, Evolution and Inheritance, Electricity and Light and the Human body. Students will be partaking in different experiments and excursions to develop and extend their learning. They will be learning how to use scientific evidence to support and refute different ideas and predictions.

We have high expectations of all our children as we look forward to a great and exciting year!