Welcome to our school!
Who We Are:
We are a group of parents and carers who meet together informally most Fridays after morning drop-off for coffee/tea/chat. All parents and carers with children at Jubilee are automatically members of our group and we would love to meet you. The group is a great way to meet new friends and learn more about what is happening at the school. Please come along for friendly chat or sign-up to our mail group to receive email updates about plans and activities:
Contact Us: Jubilee-parents-association@googlegroups.com
What We Do:
We partner with the school to organise events and activities aimed at raising money for the school and enhancing our children’s education and enjoyment of their lives at Jubilee.
As well as regular cake and 2nd hand uniform sales, we also organise a “Festive Fun” Winter fair in December, school discos in the Spring Term and our Summer Fair just before the end of the school year in June/July.
Money raised from these and other events recently funded a wonderful new playground area to encourage all children to enjoy being active. Other major projects in previous years have included funding and building a beautiful community garden on unused land by the main school gates and the brightly-painted shelters with planters in the main playground. We have big plans for the coming year too!
We are also involved in local community events, most notably the annual ‘Urban Art Fair’ held in July on Josephine Avenue, close to the school.
Look out for key dates and events posted on our notice board by the upper entrance to the school. Please come along for a drink and a chat some time soon. New people and ideas are always welcome!