Pupil Premium Statement

The Pupil Premium is a source of funding made available to schools by the Government. This is targeted funding to be used to provide opportunities for disadvantaged pupils. The national trend is that pupils who are eligible for free school meals have lower achievement than those who are not eligible. The Pupil Premium grant is to be used to help narrow this gap. At Jubilee School, we believe that all pupils should be supported to achieve their potential. We are committed to using the resources made available to us to help achieve the best outcomes for all learners. Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium Grant as they feel is appropriate and must report and publicise annually how the money has been spent and what the impact has been made on the achievements of the pupils.

Funding for 2022-23 is £1345 per ‘disadvantaged children’ and £2345 per child who is looked after or adopted from care.

Who are the 'most disadvantaged children?'  This is a government definition; it includes children who have had free school meals, due to low income at any point in the school life;  are 'looked after' by the local authority; adopted from care; are children of Service families

Although not included in the calculation of funds (and therefore do not qualify for the personalised budget) this also includes pupils who have ever had a social worker or who have special educational needs and /or disabilities

Links to the Jubilee Vision Statement

Our vision statement helps to inform the running of the school as it is our intention that children will leave Jubilee with the following skills and attributes:

  • confidence with eloquent self-expression and strong communication and social skills
  • excellent skills in maths, English and IT
  • a rounded education in science, RE, geography, history, and PSHE
  • the ability to speak a foreign language to a basic conversation level
  • the ability to enjoy music through song/playing a musical instrument / involvement in drama and dance activities
  • the ability to swim and play sports competently
  • an understanding of art and culture and experience of performing
  • freedom from prejudice of any kind
  • a spirit of community and social responsibility with a sense of belonging

What the data tells us:

Our pupil performance data tells us that children eligible for the pupil premium grant tend to come in lower than their peers but with support and targeted interventions make excellent progress so that by the time they leave school they are out performing their peers nationally.

Pupil Premium 2021-22

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022/2023

  1. Summary Information

Total number of pupils on roll 2022/23


Total number of pupils eligible for PP


Total PP funding


Most recent PP review

October 2022

  1. Recent attainment 2022 (Validated)

Year 2




All students











Year 6




All students













Pupil Profile 2022/23

Number of pupils on roll


Percentage of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium Grant (PPG)


Percentage of pupils who are Children Looked After (CLA)


Percentage of pupils who have been adopted from care.


Total amount of PPG received





  1. Barriers to future attainment for all pupils eligible for PP including high ability

In-school barriers


A high number of pupils eligible for PP at Jubilee have additional barriers to learning. Of the 178 eligible; 44 have English as an additional Language (EAL), 64 have a special educational needs and are on the SEND Register and 23 of all eligible children have both SEN and EAL.


Starting points for children eligible for PP are consistently lower than those for other pupils.


A high proportion of children have poor self-regulation, lack resilience and have social and emotional needs.


A higher number than average are starting EYFS with undiagnosed and unmet SEND needs.

Additional barriers external to school


A high level of children eligible for PP have acute Adverse Childhood Experiences that require social care involvement. These children have lower levels of support outside of school which impacts on their behaviour and attitude to learning.


Attendance rates are low amongst pupils eligible for PP impacting on their time in school and access to the school curriculum


There is a direct link between poverty and language acquisition; many children eligible for PPG are not exposed to the depth and breadth of language other children are exposed to, impacting on their communication and interaction. This in turn has bearings on the child being able to access the curriculum and their learning within the school environment.





  1. Intended Outcomes



Success Criteria  RAG Rating

96  96-98 98   


Interventions for Pupil Premium children are consistently highly effective in closing gaps and raising attainment and Pupil Premium children from across the school identified as more able making progress to ensure they end the year working at greater depth.

An increased proportion of PPG children

  • Making enhanced progress
  • Attaining Age Related Expectations
  • Attaining Greater Depth

Children are more independent learners, engaging positively in lessons and the broader school community, recognising that mistakes create opportunities to learn. Behaviour in unstructured times continues to improve. Evidenced in:

• Lesson observations

• Pupil voice

• Behaviour data

  • Lesson observation records evidence meta-cognitive approaches to self-regulation and growth mind-set
  • Pupils evidence understanding of key concepts in the annual pupil survey
  • Pupils reflect positively on behaviour at the school
  • Reduction in the number of in-class behaviour incidents resulting in escalation to SLT
  • Reduction in behaviour incidents recorded at playtime

Improved attendance, evidenced by attendance data.

  • Attendance of PPG children to be inline with cohort - 96%

Personalised learning for children with beginning or emerging English language skills leads to enhanced progress and a narrowing of the attainment gap. Evidenced by end of key stage data and Target Tracker teacher assessment data.

An increased proportion of EAL children making enhanced progress

• Attaining Age Related Expectations

• Attaining Greater Depth




  1. Key Objectives


Chosen Action – What we will do

Tasks for Success

Evidence – How will progress be measured and monitored.

Staff Lead


Boosters – data shows that at least 50% of pupils who access school boosters are PPG

“Overall, evidence shows that small group tuition is effective and, as a rule of thumb, the smaller the group the better” (Teaching & Learning Toolkit EEF July 2018)

Multiple small groups will be created, targeting the specific needs of pupils. Boosters will run after school,  term time and during school holidays targeting PP children.

Improved progress and attainment for pupils identified




Deputy / Assistant Head and tuition teacher


Pupil Progress Meetings

Pupil Progress Meetings - carried out every half term - show that provision for pupils eligible for PPG is in place and outcomes can be seen in these pupils’ work.

Children making 1.8 - 2.0 stages of progress as per expectations - close tracking and monitoring will ensure that any child falling behind can be identified quickly and suitable interventions put in place to bridge the gaps.


Where pupils are behind their peers, interventions identified in order to increase progress to over 2.0 per term






Address Adverse Childhood Experiences - When children are exposed to adverse and stressful experiences, it can have a long-lasting impact on their ability to think, interact with others and on their learning. By placing interventions to lessen the impact of ACEs of key children, it can help them thrive in school and start making expected progress.

Offering a range of targeted interventions to support children manage their emotions and deal with adverse childhood experiences which are impacting their learning in school.

Reduced meltdowns.



A reduction in behaviour sanctions and exclusions.





Drama Therapist

Music Therapist



Work Study

A minimum of 50% of work study pupils to be pupil premium.

Teachers gain greater understanding of strengths and areas for development for targeted pupils across the curriculum.

Teachers collectively discuss planning and assessment implications for whole cohorts (with particular reference to Pupil premium) as a result of in depth analysis of work study pupils' evidence. Learning from work study analysis impacts on future planning and then attainment, for all pupil premium pupils within a cohort and across the school.




HT and SLT


Natural Thinkers is a program  that helps connect children with nature, through practical activities that are inspiring and motivating.

High numbers of PP pupils identified and accessing this intervention in key stage 1 and 2


Through embedding the principles and aims of the programme children's achievement from Early Years to Year 6 has risen and health and wellbeing increased. Improved emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils.



Offer Talk Time to KS1 and KS2 pupils

“Social and Emotional Learning interventions have an identifiable

and valuable impact on attitudes to

learning and social relationships in

school. They also have

an average overall impact of four months' additional progress on attainment.” (Teaching & Learning

Toolkit, EEF, July 2018).

Talk time is offered to all children in KS1 and KS2 by TAs who have been trained by the commissioned Educational PSychologist.

Improved emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils.


To train 2 additional TAs in school to expand our offer in this area

Inclusion Lead


Continue with Beanstalk Readers - work with children who might have fallen behind with their reading, lack confidence, or struggle with their fluency, comprehension or vocabulary.

The one-to-one reading support changes the child's life:


  • Improving their reading ability
  • Inspiring confidence in their own ability
  • Increasing their enjoyment of reading

PP pupils as well as pupils with EAL and SEN needs to be prioritised for Beanstalk reading intervention.

An improvement in reading ability and fluency and a more positive approach and attitude towards reading.


Beanstalk volunteers


Into University

Both year groups attend sessions 63.3% (31 pupils) in this cohort are PP

Pupils gain experience of life in university, raise aspirations and inspire future study.


Assistant Head KS2


Have a 1 full time ELSA, one 0.5 ELSA and 0.2 ELSA - An ELSA in a school is an Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Examples of support offered are social skills, emotions, bereavement, social stories and therapeutic stories, anger management, self-esteem, counselling skills such as solution focus and friendship.

“Social and Emotional Learning interventions have an identifiable and valuable impact on attitudes to learning and social relationships in school. They also have an average overall impact of four months' additional progress on attainment.” (Teaching & Learning Toolkit, EEF, July 2018).

Weekly ELSA sessions for 6 weeks to be reviewed at the end; some children will access ELSA for a continued period of time dependent on need.


Improved emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils.



Inclusion Manager




Continue with Drama Therapy - This has, as its main focus, the intentional use of healing aspects of drama and theatre as the therapeutic process. It is a method of working and playing that uses action methods to facilitate creativity, imagination, learning, insight and growth.  Despite its name, drama therapy does not necessarily involve drama as such. Rather it utilises techniques from drama and from other art forms as a means of communication. So the child may, for example, use objects or movement to represent their feelings, or stories to explore a difficult relationship.

Drama therapists create a safe environment where children can express problems in a way which they find comfortable. This may well be non-verbal, particularly if the individual lacks the necessary vocabulary or understanding about what is happening to them to communicate verbally. Many individuals are unable to express themselves verbally due to emotional difficulties, disabilities or impairments in their cognitive, social, emotional, physical or communicative development. By taking away the pressure to talk and allowing the exploration of feelings creatively and indirectly, drama therapy is able to uncover problems and work towards solutions with such children.

Children to access therapy in groups or individually once a week for up to a year.

Improved emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils.


Children become active members of the class community, as currently their behaviours and presentation is isolating them from their peers. To see an improvement in their academic achievement and also allow them to access their learning within the classroom.

Inclusion Manager


Drama Therapist


Implement a whole school approach to Zones of Regulation - This is a systematic, cognitive behavioural approach used to teach self-regulation by categorising all the different ways we feel and states of alertness we experience into four concrete coloured zones.  The Zones framework provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, manage their sensory needs, and improve their ability to problem solve conflicts. 

Targeted Zones sessions with the ELSA.

Whole school Zones approach implemented.

Personalised Zones of Regulation for those children that need it.


Improved emotional wellbeing and mental health of pupils.


By addressing underlying deficits in emotional and sensory regulation, executive functioning, and social cognition, the framework is designed to help move students toward independent regulation.  The Zones of Regulation incorporates Social Thinking® concepts and numerous visuals to teach students to identify their feelings/level of alertness, understand how their behaviour impacts those around them, and learn what tools they can use to manage their feelings and states

Inclusion Manager




EYFS Summer Project

To support transition into nursery and reception for key groups of children.

Support parents with school readiness and key skills in language, reading and maths.

Shorter settling period at the start of the year.

Less separation anxiety.

improved attention and listening

greater parental understanding of how to support their children in school.



Deputy Head EYFS


Direct professional support for teachers given by SLT

CPD opportunities for teachers ensure that all staff are increasingly confident in their pedagogical practice- including how best to meet the needs of all pupils.

Consistently good to outstanding teaching resulting in all year groups meeting end of year targets including challenging targets for pupil premium pupils. 2019-20 targets for PP pupils well above national PP attainment for 2018-19 in key year groups.




AHT and DHTs


Discounted or free places on school trips and end of year residential for children in receipt of PPG to provide context for learning


All pupils able to access invaluable life experience reinforcing teamwork, resilience and reaching personal goals


Head Teacher


After School clubs

Pupil premium pupils who may have more limited enrichment opportunities outside of the school environment prioritised for afterschool clubs.

Numbers of PP premium children accessing after school opportunities is reflective of the % pupil premium within the cohort as a whole



Enrichment Lead



Free Breakfast Club spaces for PPG students

PPG children who need additional wrap around care are able to access funded breakfast club places, starting in Reception.

Ensuring children start the day positively, having had a good breakfast and being ready for their learning.



Offer Speech & Language Intervention

Decades worth of research has shown that children from low-income families are at a higher risk of entering school with poor language skills compared to more privileged students. On average, they score two years behind on standardised language development tests - therefore SLT interventions are vital to bridge the gaps in learning.

Early screening takes place during the summer project for children joining in EYFS. In addition staff in EYFS and the Autism Champion have been trained to screen and identify speech and language difficulties that impact on children’s learning.

Bridging gaps in learning


Evidence of accelerated progress in pupil progress meetings.

Inclusion Manager



Speech & Language Therapist


Offer Educational Psychologist Intervention - The EP works at Jubilee, in partnership with families and other professionals, to help children and young people achieve their full potential. The EP supports us to improve all children’s experiences of learning.


They use their training in psychology and knowledge of child development to assess difficulties children may be having with their learning. They provide advice and training on how schools might help children to learn and develop. They recommend methods, or develop strategies in partnership with schools, to help a child learn more effectively. Strategies may include teaching approaches, improvements to learning environments, advice on curriculum materials and behaviour support.

Children experiencing difficulties in class are identified through fortnightly vulnerable meetings or via phase meetings and then children are seen on a 1:1 basis for an assessment alongside a meeting with the class teacher, any additional supporting adults and the parents.

Targeted strategies are identified to best meet the needs of the child and recommendations are made on how to adapt the teaching and learning taking place to make the curriculum more accessible for the child.

Increase in engagement in class and in their learning.


Fewer meltdowns in lessons and less resistance to accessing the curriculum.


Increased progress evidenced by pupil progress meetings.

Inclusion Manager



Educational Psychologist


Access to Sunshine Centre ASD Resource Base and Sensory Room

Attention Autism



Speech & Language

Highly trained specialist teacher and HLTAs delivering targeted interventions which draw upon extensive training to support children with additional needs in communication and interaction, attention and focus.

Children are able to engage and focus in their classes.


Evidence of progress being made.


Increase in communication and social interaction.


Baselining using SDQs and IRIS used to monitor progress.


Inclusion Manager


ASD Lead Teacher

Autism Champions



Introduction of Music Therapy - via the Walcott Foundation, to provide therapeutic input for PP students

Music Therapy is an established psychological clinical intervention, delivered by HCPC registered music therapists to help people whose lives have been affected by injury, illness or disability through supporting their psychological, emotional, cognitive, physical, communicative and social needs.

Music Therapists draw upon the innate qualities of music to support children with their emotional, psychological, cognitive and social needs.  Central to how Music Therapy works is the therapeutic relationship that is established and developed, through engagement in live musical interaction and play between a therapist and child A wide range of musical styles and instruments can be used, including the voice, and the music is often improvised. Using music in this way enables clients to create their own unique musical language in which to explore and connect with the world and express themselves.


Therapist to work closely with Assistant SENCO to establish a baseline of all students accessing therapy, and measure the impact of intervention for the duration of the program. SOme children will access the intervention for a full year and some will access for a term, depending on the need and focus of the therapy.


Increased resilience and more motivated students.

Music Therapist

Assistant SENCO


NTP Tuition

The school will make use of the NTP to provide essential catch-up tuition on lost learning, with the evidence showing high quality courses of tutoring can help pupils make three to five months of progress. Pupil Premium pupils in year 2 and 6 will be prioritised for Tuition

Pupils identified for tuition at the end of the autumn term to make a minimum of 4 points progress over the spring and summer terms

Headteacher- Assistant Head and assessment lead