Onyx Class


Welcome to Onyx! Our classrooms are fun, welcoming places to be! This year, we will be exploring a wide range of interesting learning activities that will enhance their academic and social development, through an engaging, diverse and creative curriculum. Our aim is to ensure that all pupils achieve their full educational potential. 

We have high expectations and a strong focus on English and mathematics. In addition to English and mathematics, our pupils study science, computing, history, geography, religion, music, art and design and the importance of healthy living through our sporting activities. 



Class Teacher: Mrd Braithwaite

Teaching Assistant: Miss Mohamud

Important Information


Monday and Wednesday 

On PE days, the children should come to school in their school PE kit - dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and trainers, to be worn with their school jumper. 


Our IPC topics for this year are: 

Autumn 1: Ancient Greece. We will be exploring Ancient Greek traditions and how they have contributed to society today, as well as writing alternative endings. Our English text is Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan.

Autumn 2:  Benin. We will be looking at Africa as a continent and focusing on the Apartheid and how it affected those who lived there. We will be making predictions, writing diary entries and exploring dialogue. Our English text is Journey to Jo’burg by Beverly Naidoo.

Spring 1: Bake It. We will be experimenting with different recipes from different cultures, as well as writing instructions and writing newspaper reports- based on our picture books. Our English texts are Tuesday and The Man Who Walked Between The Towers.

Spring 2: Mission Mars. We will be combining our knowledge from our science topic - Earth and Space, to create a Mars Rover to explore the surface of the Red Planet. Our English text is Holes by Louis Sachar.

Summer 1: Weather and Climate. We will be focusing on how water is treated for consumption as well as  how our planet is affected by adverse weather conditions. Our English text is Holes by Louis Sachar.

Summer 2: Vikings. We will be learning about Viking traditions, beliefs and myths - focusing on different styles of poetry - odes, free verse and rhyming couplets. Our English text is Beowulf and poetry.