Jade and Turquoise Classes
In Jade and Turquoise we are expected to work with increasing independence and take greater responsibility for our learning. We encourage the children to follow our schools Smart 5, and aim for all the children to become, independent, resilient, confident and most of all happy learners.
Jade Class
Class Teacher: Miss Couldwell
Teaching Assistant: Miss Abdi and Mr Bingham
Turquoise Class
Class Teacher: Miss Willis
Teaching Assistant: Miss Carribon and Mr Mbai
Important information
Turqoise - Monday and Tuesday
Jade - Tuesday and Friday
On PE days, the children should come to school in their school PE kit - dark shorts/jogging bottoms, a white t-shirt and trainers, to be worn with their school jumper.
On alternating half terms the children will attend swimming on Tuesday afternoon as part of the P.E. curriculum, please ensure the children have their swimming kit please.
Maths homework will be set on a Friday through Google Classroom. It should be returned by the following Tuesday. Children are expected to read a book or access Bug Club at home daily. They should discuss their reading at home and have their Reading Record signed by adults.
IPC topics
Our topic this term is Chocolate. We will be reading the book “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” by Roald Dahl. The children will find out about the origins, sources and production of chocolate. The topic will commence with the children being challenged to use all of their five senses to describe three varieties of chocolate.
Our IPC topics for this year are:
Autumn 1
Chocolate - looking at the origins of chocolate, the supply of chocolate world wide, Fairtrade and the design and creation of chocolate bars.
States of matter- liquids, solids and gases, and the water cycle.
Autumn 2
The Mayans - the location, history and culture of the Mayans.
Electricity - constructing circuits.
Spring 1
Scavengers and Settlers - studying life in the stone age.
Animals including humans - teeth and digestive systems.
Spring 2
Heavy Metal – trains and famous train journeys around the globe.
Sound - identify how sounds are produced (vibrations).
Summer 1
Anglo-Saxons - studying life in the Britain at the end of the first millennium AD.
All living things - food chains.
Summer 2
Inventions that changed the world - the great exhibition at Crystal Palace and Black inventors.